
Hugh just saved me from trialling twitter...

[eMail to WWE auteur]

I was skeptical about even trialling twitter before. My thinking: it would just be yet another addictively time-wasting nerdy Net fad. But between the oppressive buzz twitter's still getting and seeing a box for it in the sidebar on WWE, i was actually verging on giving twitter a taste.

Then, a link to the following popped up among the 400+ RSS-feed entries in my Google Reader account this morning. Please do thank Hugh for saving me from getting duped into yet another Net-fad obsession. I haven't read his post yet. The following did indeed "say it all" for me.

April 10 2008

The Decline And Fall of Western Civilization Part III: The Twitter Years

Erick Schonfeld


Are you feeling Twitter overload, or just sick of hearing about it? Blogger/Cartoonist/Ad Man Hugh McLeod feels the same way. He illustrated a post titled Why I Deleted My Twitter Account with the following cartoon:


Kind of says it all.

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